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Working with Ambivalence in EFT

Time: 9am-4:30pm EST

Location: In person at 3120 Fairview park Drive Falls Church VA 22042 (courtesy of Curo Counseling). **Free parking, nearest metro stop -Vienna with free shuttle bus to building available

Presenter: Dr. Ting Liu, ICEEFT Certified Trainer

Clients bring ambivalence to therapy in different ways. For example, they may not comply with treatment, they may blame the therapist unreasonably, or they may not agree on therapy goals or the future of their relationships. Typical EFT process and intervention may lead to more uncertainty, frustration, or hopelessness.

In this workshop, participants will learn to distill ambivalence through an attachment lens, identify the signs of relationship and therapy ambivalence, de-escalate the cycle of ambivalence, address impasses when working with ambivalence.

January 17

Working with Trauma with Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT)

April 25

In-Person Networking Event at Caboose Commons