Hold Me Tight Workshop
Conversations for Connection
The Hold Me Tight Workshop is a 1-2 day program that helps couples move through some important conversations to improve and strengthen their bond. You can purchase a pre-recorded program led by Dr. Sue Johnson to do at your own pace or attend an online or in-person 1-2 day workshop led by a therapist or facilitator. This program can help you and your partner in the following ways:
Improve your relationship by strengthening your bond
Better conflict resolution and positive problem solving as well as co-operation around key issues such as financial difficulties or parenting
Better mental health – less depression, less anxiety
Better self image
Better physical health thanks to improved immune functioning.
Secure adults have better relationships. They are more empathic to others, and better care-givers. They also know what they need and understand how to ask for support when the going gets tough.
A responsive, caring bond with your partner provides the emotional balance needed to deal with life's challenges – from everyday problems to major crises such as a global pandemic.
The Hold Me Tight program is the only program found to both improve relationship satisfaction and foster a more secure bond. This online version is based on the only model of brief couple intervention validated in over 20 outcome studies demonstrating long term positive results.
Upcoming Hold Me Tight Workshops
One Day In-Person Hold Me Tight Workshop
Facilitated by: The Relationship Center - Dr. Aishwarya Nambiar and Evelin House
The Relationship Center is a private practice of highly trained and educated therapists leading the way in relationship therapy in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia.
Date: Saturday, May 18, 2024
Time: 9:30am - 4:30pm
Location: Slover Library in Norfolk, VA
Cost: $425 per couple
To Register: Hold Me Tight Registration
Are you ready for a stronger, deeper connection with your partner? Join us for an exclusive experience of emotionally focused couples therapy with some of the most highly trained couples therapists in Hampton Roads.
You are personally invited to join us in this deeply experiential relationship enrichment program in this intensive and interactive workshop. You and your partner will learn skills to: repair and build love bonds, create safety and security, break destructive conflict patterns, reignite passion and intimacy
With a combination of group sessions and private sessions, you will discover why the Hold Me Tight® approach works so well for any couple—new or old, disconnected or bickering.
Even if you’ve tried counseling before…even if you’re thinking about divorce…even if you’re wanting to improve things that aren’t really bad, or if you’re frustrated and feeling hopeless…we can help you!
Our therapists are open minded, non-judgmental and affirming in all aspects of individual identity, orientation and decision making. This workshop is ideal for couples of all types, including same-sex, multiple partners, etc.
Hold Me Tight Online
Pre-recorded Hold Me Tight Workshop led by Dr. Sue Jonhson. Watch anytime, at your own pace, learn about the Hold Me Tight conversations from Dr. Johnson herself.