EFT Therapists of Color Resources
We proactively support EFT therapists of color: Black, Latino, Asian, Indigenous and realize that each of these groups are often underrepresented in the therapist population. We strive to support our colleagues of color and other marginalized groups in safe and helpful ways. Please see current offerings and places to connect. We will do our best to keep this list updated and current.
BEFT: Black EFT Therapists Group
Hello everyone! Sending this warm invite to Black clinicians who are interested in learning more about the Emotionally Focused Therapy model, building a community of Black couple clinicians globally, and receiving culturally responsive support in your work. We meet monthly on the last Friday of every month; details about each meeting will be sent out on the listserv and posted in our new Facebook group. See more information below.
Join the email list by completing our BEFT Group Registration Form: https://forms.gle/PLxCdQ8mRpVcv9HUA
Please also use our email address for any additional questions: BlackEFTInfo@gmail.com. Looking forward to connecting and supporting you all!
Coming Soon: Our February 25th meeting, Sharon Ramsey, EFT clinician based in Toronto, Canada will moderate a panel on the experiences of being “The Only One” in many spaces and how this impacts Black clinicians overall.
Facebook community: Black Emotionally Focused Couple Clinicians